Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oasis of Tranquility

Serenity and grace, a Japanese garden. One of the most beautiful style of garden arrangements in the world. The Japanese garden evokes simplicity, something which is quite different from gardens in the Western world. Whenever I see pictures of these gardens or if I am strolling in one of these gardens, I feel peaceful and joyful. Basically I marvel on how the elements are arranged: the plants, the rocks and pebbles, the pond or lack of it and the lanterns.

There are actually traditional styles of Japanese gardens. The Karesansui - dry landscape gardens influenced by Zen Buddhism. These gardens are usually found in Zen temples. The garden has raked gravel or sand that simulates the feeling of water. Rocks, shrubs and moss are the elements of this style.

The Tsukiyama - this style copies the Chinese and Japanese landscapes. The shrubs blocks views of surrounding structures and the elements in the garden makes the onlookers focus on nearby mountains in the distance. Ponds, streams, hills, stones, trees, flowers, bridges, and paths make up this style.

The Chaniwa - the garden for tea ceremonies. This garden has the hut or the tea house as one of its main element. Stepping stones leading to the tea house, stone lanterns, and stone basins where guests purify themselves before a ceremony complete the look of this style.

I truly admire the Japanese aesthetics of garden arrangement and its different styles rooted in the spiritual and mundane. Oasis of tranquility and solace, the Japanese gardens.

Photo Credit: Happoen Japanese garden in Tokyo
Photographer: Natasha P.
Photo Link:

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