Thursday, February 18, 2010

Carnevale di Venezia

The Venetian Carnival or the Mask Festival is another global celebration. The festival is celebrated a week before the season of Lent and culminates on Fat Tuesday or the Mardi Gras. This event's main theme is the farewell to eating meat and the preparation of oneself for repentance and reflection for Lent. The word carnival is derived from the Latin word carnevale which means giving up meat or even the love or lust for the flesh.

As for its history the festival has its origins dating back to the 11th century to commemorate the victory of the Venetian Republic against Ulrico, the Patriarch of Aquilia. Dances, processions, magicians and a new form of theatre the commedia dell’ arte all constituted the carnival. The celebration became a tradition and the wearing of mask began during the 16th century up to the 18th century. The celebrations were curbed during the French and Austrian occupation and definitely ended during Napoleon's invasion of Venice. Though during the early 80's the festival was revived and until now it is one of the world's major event attended by thousands of local and international tourists and revelers.

A colorful event, the revelers wear beautiful costumes made of fine fabric. The two costume types are the carnival costumes and the historical costumes. The popular masks worn are the Bauta: mask that comes with a small cloak over the shoulders with large hat. The Moreta: oval mask for women. The Gnaga: mask for men disguising themselves as a woman. The Pantolone: a beaked nose mask. The festival participants usually attend street processions and various evening masquerade balls in the city.

This festival is a favorite of mine. I find this event classy and stylish, it's as if one is transported in a fairy tale in a mythical kingdom far away.

Photo Credit: Lady in Red
Photographer: Simone
Photo Link:

Photo Credit: Sun, Moon and Star
Photographer: Kevynlomax
Photo Link:

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