Sunday, October 31, 2010

Italian Fashion Empire

If you have been following my blog for October, it is obvious that I gave special attention to Italian fashion designers. Actually there are a lot more of them that I should have included but perhaps I will work on that next time. It was really great to study and write something about the fashion houses of Italy. I get to learn how these designers started their businesses and how they made it flourish and thrive for so many, many years and the drama behind it all (at least for one fashion house).

To sum it up I would say that Italian fashion stands out by itself, it is different from the French, Japanese or American style. In my own opinion Italian fashion is reserved and stylish, it can be severe but it still retains its own appeal, it is an original and I believe only a true Italian designer would be able to grasp it.

The Italians have long been stylish and fashionable. Since ancient Roman times the use of opulent garments and accessories was part of their life. Check out the illustrations and sculpture of Roman art and read the history of Rome's everyday life and you will learn that Romans can be very particular with their clothing, jewelry, hairstyle and even the garish makeup and hairpieces they wear. During the Renaissance, the men and women of Italy were as elegant and stylish as they were during the Roman times. Though this time the materials they used for clothing were much better, silk, satin and dyed fabrics. Accessories galore and imported fashionable goods were in vogue that time as it is now.

Fast forward the 21st century and there is no way of stopping Italy as one of the world's fashion capitals. Italian fashion designers as competitive as ever. Great tailoring and romantic style truly belong to the Italians. Unlike the fall of the Roman Empire, the Italian fashion empire will keep rising and will forever hold its spot in the world of style. Oh what a dolce vita!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing great lifestyle blog.keep posting latest updates.


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